Cardstock in Bulk

9 products
So much more than basic More information about Cardstock in Bulk under the images.
9 products
Cardstock in Bulk

Collection of Bulk Card Stock

Card stock is the backbone of many projects. Card makers and scrapbookers can’t get enough of it. Having the right collection of card stock available on display for your customers will make all the difference. Buy bulk card stock with Fararti and you can be confident that you are offering only the best.

Favorites of Basic Card Stock

The truth is, your customer’s will often reach for the classics. Sometimes the perfect card stock is the card stock that is quietly supportive. When buying the basics, your customers have quality in mind. We can supply you with the basics that your customers can count on time and time again.

Capture their Attention

Nothing catches your customers’ eyes more than a little sparkle. This card stock is sure to shock your customers with its intensity. This card stock can be used as the foundation for cards and crafts or your customers may choose to use cut-outs of this card stock to add sparkly touches throughout a piece.

Mesmerizing Precious Metals

We offer sheets of silver and gold-colored card stock. These are the favorites of customers hoping to create a page layout that is subtly elegant and interesting. You are sure you will be satisfied with the results of keeping this cardstock on hand.